Category: Scottish Highlands

Dedicated to the Scottish Highlands

Over the past 50 years, service trips have given me the opportunity to help protect and restore vulnerable areas around the world. In 2007, I read an article about the Scottish non-profit, Trees for Life, in National Geographic Adventure magazine. Trees for Life has been working to reforest the Scottish Highlands since 1989. Sadly, much…

Labor of Love for Scotland

Vacation [def]:  An extended period of leisure and recreation, especially when spent away from home or traveling. You can probably picture the perfect vacation lying on a warm sunny beach gazing at the turquoise blue water watching dolphins frolicking in the ocean waves.  You’re relaxed and peaceful without a care in the world. For me…

Rewilding the Scottish Highlands

My first impression was the variegated greens of the trees…and the thought that this is what the forest looked like in Roman times. And just beyond the treetops, in the distance, I could see the barren hilltops.  And that’s when it hit me.  Here we were doing our bit to help bring the lush Caledonian…

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