Category: Very Important Places

Nature is Healing. Giving is Healing

A few years back, I remember feeling the need to just get away. I had been going through some rough times and I just wanted a break from my routine, but I didn’t have the time or energy to plan anything big. As I began searching, I stumbled across Conservation VIP’s volunteer opportunities. I scrolled…

Trip Down Memory Lane

Five hundred words about my experiences in Costa Rica and what it means to you to travel with purpose – that is what I am supposed to be writing. I had so much to write about!!! “Pleasantly surprised” and “trip down memory lane” are the two major thoughts that came to mind when I looked…

Returning to Alaska

Mendenhall Glacier Reflecting  “To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world.” – John Muir I had lived in Alaska, seasonally and year-round for many years. Believe me when I say that Alaska is addictive, and you will want to go back. This June, as my flight approached…

You load 16 tons, what do you get?

100 bug bites even with a head net . . .  Thank you to Merle Travis for the tune and to Sharon Wight for adapting Merle’s lyrics to our 2021 Alaska Volunteer Trip experience. Call me crazy, but even with the bug bites, I felt very lucky to be one of the trip leaders on…

Dedicated to the Scottish Highlands

Over the past 50 years, service trips have given me the opportunity to help protect and restore vulnerable areas around the world. In 2007, I read an article about the Scottish non-profit, Trees for Life, in National Geographic Adventure magazine. Trees for Life has been working to reforest the Scottish Highlands since 1989. Sadly, much…

Planning a New Cinque Terre Trip

Have any of you heard whispers regarding a possible ConservationVIP® work project in Italy? Well it’s TRUE!  I have been working to develop meaningful, hands-on work projects in Cinque Terre, our next volunteer trip destination. For me, it began with a passion for a place that I’ve been to and projects and community needs that…

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