Category: Alaska

Gratitude to the Great Sky

Thanks to very generous donors to our Scholarship Program, ConservationVIP® was able to offer a scholarship to Daniel Humphrey so he could participate in our June 2023 Alaska Volunteer Trip. Here he reflects on his experience: “Gratitude to the Great Sky who holds billions of stars – and goes yet beyond that – beyond all…

North to Alaska

This past summer I spent nearly 2 weeks in Southeast Alaska on a ConservationVIP volunteer trip. I am left in awe. Seriously, I will make a feeble attempt to put into words what seems like such a mystery to me. How do such good things happen to someone as ordinary as me? Let’s start with…

Returning to Alaska

Mendenhall Glacier Reflecting  “To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world.” – John Muir I had lived in Alaska, seasonally and year-round for many years. Believe me when I say that Alaska is addictive, and you will want to go back. This June, as my flight approached…

You load 16 tons, what do you get?

100 bug bites even with a head net . . .  Thank you to Merle Travis for the tune and to Sharon Wight for adapting Merle’s lyrics to our 2021 Alaska Volunteer Trip experience. Call me crazy, but even with the bug bites, I felt very lucky to be one of the trip leaders on…

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