That’s Right! No doubt about it. Ask anyone. I am one of the Hardest-Working, Fun-Seeking, Glass-Full, Patagonia-Loving, Volunteer Leaders you will ever know! And I love Torres del Paine! I took my first trip to Patagonia in 2004. At the time I was taking a vacation from my job as District Ranger on the…

In 2015, CONAF – the Chilean agency entrusted to manage Torres del Paine National Park – asked ConservationVIP® about the viability of converting a horse trail in the park into a hiking trail. A new trail would relieve severe overcrowding on a section of the hiking trail known as “the W”. We responded that it…

My first impression was the variegated greens of the trees…and the thought that this is what the forest looked like in Roman times. And just beyond the treetops, in the distance, I could see the barren hilltops. And that’s when it hit me. Here we were doing our bit to help bring the lush Caledonian…