Our Impact

Not everything that counts can be counted.
Not everything that can be counted, counts.

Since 2008 ConservationVIP® has led more than 1,600 volunteers on trips to some of the world’s greatest landscapes and cultural heritage sites to volunteer on important conservation and preservation projects. We have also helped our destinations with some special projects. This hands-on, labor-intensive work helped to protect critical habitat and biodiversity, and conserve cultural heritage sites of great significance. These trips have helped the communities as well as having a positive environmental impact.

We invite you to read our 2023 Impact Report which captures metrics about ConservationVIP’s volunteer work in 2023 as well as our cumulative impact since 2008. We prepare trip reports for each volunteer trip, which capture the work done on each trip and provide the basis for the statistics in the impact report. You can find the reports on the destination specific pages of this website.

Some important impacts though are hard to capture with numbers. For example, how do we capture the value of volunteering when there is no history of volunteering in some of the places we work?  How do we capture the impact of volunteers arriving as strangers and leaving as family? How do we share the impact felt when a local person and a volunteer from another part of the world share sweat and joy to benefit the local destination and people? These impacts are very tough to measure.  To convey some of these intangibles, our impact report includes excerpts from some of the trip reviews written by volunteers who were kind enough to prepare a review of their experiences. You can find all the trip reviews on the destination pages on this website.

We hope you find this report helpful and informative. To all of our volunteers and contributors – thank you for everything you give to achieve our mission and unique impact!

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